A couple of years ago I was working with an older man who back in the day worked and lived all over the world with his family. We had a special relationship as we shared a certain passion for traveling. He saw my hometown Athens way before I was born, and he shared stories about his adventures there. He, of course, loved Greece. But honestly, I don’t think there was a single place he visited and didn’t love.
In his eighties now, his health declining severely, his wife barely recognizing him because of dementia, he had some good advice to give. And the most important thing he ever told me was this: “Travel. Travel now. You can always make more money, but you can never make more time.”
(Me at Laguna Colorado, Bolivia)
I’ve seen what time can do to people’s bodies and minds. I know there won’t be any exceptions made for me. If I happen to have any regrets towards the end of my life, whenever this might be, it will certainly not be “I did not see enough of this world.”